In an effort to provide the safest and most dignified environment for all our parishioners and guests, we follow the Archdiocese of San Antonio's policy of having all of our employees, clergy and volunteers submit to a background check as well as initiate and complete training in the Nation Virtus program. In addition a Code of Conduct must be signed. Those who do not comply cannot be allowed to minister and/or volunteer and will be asked to step away from their chosen ministry until all steps have been completed. Thank you for understanding.
En un esfuerzo por proporcionar el ambiente más seguro y digno para todos nuestros feligreses e invitados, seguimos la política de la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio de que todos nuestros empleados, clérigos, y voluntarios se sometan a una verificación de antecedentes, así como iniciar y completar la capacitación en el programa nacional Virtus. A aquellos que no cumplen no se les puede permitir ministrar y/o ser vountarios.