Archdiocese Encourages City Leaders to Continue Dialogue
on Discrimination Policy.
Editorial Column from Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese
of San Antonio-As Published in the San Antonio Express-News
San Antonio’s City Council will soon take under consideration an expansion of the city’s non-discrimination ordinance to include prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. This proposed expansion has raised many concerns for the Catholic Church and many people of faith across the city. The Archdiocese has entered into a dialogue with our civic leaders in an attempt to clarify our concerns and to help the city enact a good law.The Archdiocese of San Antonio does not oppose the spirit of this ordinance, but we feel that it is incomplete as it stands.
In our Catechism the Catholic Church teaches that persons experiencing a homosexual inclination, "...must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided." (CCC#2358) The Church’s teaching is also clear that sexual activity outside of marriage is immoral. Individuals engaging in sexual conduct outside of the legitimate marriage of a man and a woman are not living lives consistent with Catholic teaching or the natural law. The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees us the right to publicly teach, preach, and live these fundamental principles.
The development of laws or policies promoting and enhancing the dignity of the human person is a noble goal, oneworthy of a just society. However, society must also avoid establishing civil laws and policies conflicting with natural moral law, destabilizing the family, or infringing on human and constitutional rights. The proposed expansion of the city's "Non-discrimination Policy" raises still serious concerns regarding infringements on our First Amendment Rights. People of faith should not become a target for legal action for expressing deeply held beliefs on human sexuality, marriage, and chastity. In our dialogue with city officials we have only asked that this protection be included with explicit language.
Addressing the question of employment in the so-called "religious exemption", the proposed policy expansion claims that a “religious corporation” does not violate the non-discrimination policy by limiting employment or giving a preference in employment to members of the same religion. However,it is silent concerning how one decides the religious status of the individual, and it ignores the question of behaviors inconsistent with the teachings of the faith. In our discussions with city officials, we have been told that these guarantees are implied in the ordinance. We continue to ask that this be explicitly and clearly written into the ordinance.
Beyond institutional challenges to the Church, we are concerned by intrusions on the right of conscience for individuals, especially in the area of public accommodation. It is not the province of civil government to interfere with the rights of conscience in the exercise of a person’s faith. It appears that this policy could force individuals who supply goods and services to the general public to provide them to individuals or organizations involved in activities that are in conflict with the providers’ moral values and right of conscience. People should not have to choose between obeying the teachings of their faith and the law.
We appreciate the willingness of city officials to engage in civil dialogue on this important issue. Through dialogue with Councilman Diego Bernal, City Attorney, Michael Bernard, and other city elected officials, the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and other members of the faith community have affected the current draft positively. However, we ask the Mayor and the City Council to continue to listen to people of good will as they voice remaining important concerns over this proposed ordinance.